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How To: Nigerian White Rice And Beans

I know some people like me are not a fan of beans but I tell you'll fall in love with beans especially when it is served with White rice, Fried plantain and a sabrosolicious Ata dindin...I know, I know, don't salivate yet. 

How to: Yam And Beans Porridge | Ewa Ati Isu

Beans and Yam porridge are popularly known among the Yoruba tribe as Ewa ati Isu. If you're tired of eating only Beans recipes or only Yam recipes, then this is for you.

How to: Nigerian Fried Rice

Fried Rice is actually the king of all Nigerian rice recipes. It is also one of the most popular rice recipes especially during a festive period or a party. Without Fried rice in a Nigerian restaurant....well, silence.

To be honest, fried rice is not difficult to make. Simply because you have to do the fry at a time method doesn't mean that's the only method. I do not like the frying method myself because it's tedious.